China · Everly · Family

Bear Witness

I had visited her foster home just 4 months before she arrived, loving on poor heart-sick babies.  Clapping, singing and smiling amidst boys with limb differences, tiny newborns with feeding tubes and gaping cleft lip smiles.  


These faces became etched on my heart, on my mind and my soul.  I saw these children as God sees us, His children, cared for, comforted and loved.  As our taxi pulled out of the driveway, when our few days was over, my friends and I wept.  We looked back to faces pressed against the trampoline net, wondering if we’d return.  Wondering why so many people came to their home to love on them but never stayed.  And, days later, as I sat in our fancy hotel, exhausted from exciting sights and shopping, how could I forget the sights of the priceless children I had met.  How could I effectively impress this experience on others, to enrapture them with stories of these beautiful children? A little hand folded into mine and a face pressed up close for one last moment together?  


How could I bear witness to all I had seen and felt?

As Christians, it is our call to bear witness every day of our lives, in some way, big or small.  The Bible gives us exact instructions on how to do this, there’s no room for misinterpretation.  We are called to love our husband and children, to follow God’s commandments, to put others first, to stand up for the oppressed and to pray for each other.  We are called to care for the widows and the orphans and serve others as Christ came to serve us.  

We are called to BEAR WITNESS of His great

love to the UNLOVED.

The bear.  You Guys….  And those cheeks.

Our family has been called to reach our arms across oceans for this little girl we call Everly.  To step out of our comfort zone and extend what busy, messy, stressed, and stretched love we have to her.  But we can’t do it alone.  We need prayer, for sure, we need prayer.  We’ll take it any way we can get it.  God will have to MOVE MOUNTAINS to get this baby home to us and align all the stars so that our path and hers intercept just right.  But He does that y’all.  That’s his jam!  He moves mountains for a living.

We also need people to step out and help us with the crazy expensive part of adoption.  We know this is the call for our family to pursue this little soul and although we are saving and pinching as best we can we cannot do it without a little help.  So please share this fundraiser with your friends, your family, anyone who will listen.  Bear Witness to the love of Christ and His love for us.

We have two amazing t-shirt designs on some super soft and comfy tees.  Our dear friend took so much care and time to design something just for us and our little girl and incorporated so much love and faith into these.

There are two designs to choose from and we’ll be taking pre-orders for them over the next 2 weeks.


1) When does the fundraiser start: RIGHT. NOW.  No, seriously, we do not have the t-shirts and will be ordering them around July 15th based on the pre-orders.  We are looking to have them in your hands by the end of July.

2. TO ORDER: Head over to our handy-dandy form and specify which shirt(s) you want.  I know, it’s a hard decision…  It will show you sizes/colors, t-shirt choices, all that jazz.

3. TO PAY: Hop on over to our YouCaring page to donate.  We are faithful that the Lord will provide the way for us to get our little one and we’d like to BEAR WITNESS in His faithfulness so we are going to be donating 20% of our proceeds to Everly’s Foster Home to help them in the work they do for orphans in China.  We have set a suggested donation amount for each shirt to cover the cost of the shirts, the shipping, the packaging and postage but any donation is greatly appreciated.

4. SHIPPING: Once the pre-order is finished we are expecting about 10-14 days for production.  Once we get the shirts, we will have a shirt packaging party and get these bad boys out to you ASAP.  We can ship overseas and will be shipping USPS Priority.

5. WHAT IF I DON’T WANT A SHIRT?  That’s ok.  Maybe you already have too many t-shirts but you still want to donate, just head over to the YouCaring page and donate there.

6. HOW ELSE CAN I HELP? Share this campaign with everyone you know.  Text it, Tweet It, Share It, Talk About It.  The more word spreads, the more shirts we sell, the closer we are to bring Everly home and the more money we can donate to a wonderful healing home.

I am just so excited about this fundraiser, I can’t stand it.  When I saw the designs and then realized I had a photo of my little girl in her bear jammies, I about lost it.  BEAR JAMMIES y’all.  Seriously, the Lord has such a great sense of humor.  You see, we had designed these shirts before I realized that Everly was BEAR-ing witness already.  And I cannot wait to see how you all rock your Bear Witness and Faith Moves Mountains shirts.

From the bottom of our hearts to yours, we are so utterly thankful to each and every one of you for praying for us, donating and following along on our faith filled journey to Bring Everly Home.

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